Better EHR Studio 2.0 Release Notes
2.0.2 (2020-07-13)
compatible with form renderer version 2.3.8
Form Builder
- Added new scriptApi function setFormLanguage (TOOLS-1758)
Bug fixes
Form Builder
- Fixed a bug where changing a aql view used in a variable did not update the variable in EHR Studio (TOOLS-1754)
- Fixed bug where setting date did not work for partial date correctly (TOOLS-1759)
- Fixed a bug where changing field type of ANY field did not allow user to change some field properties (TOOLS-1763)
AQL Builder
- Fixed a bug where using UNION / UNION ALL in query while providing duplicate parameter did not execute properly (TOOLS-1746)
2.0.1 (2020-07-01)
compatible with form renderer version 2.3.5
Bug fixes
Form Builder
- Fixed bug with a label not being shown on a preview (TOOLS-1507)
- Fixed issue with setting values using brackets in dependencies and/or default values wrongly reported it as invalid
- Fixed issue with exported forms not including global annotations (TOOLS-1719)
- Added code to setting coded text values (TOOLS-1718)
- Fixed bug with error appearing when setting fields from aql variable where you select specific values from a result (TOOLS-1723)
- Removed "is valid" and "is not valid" from dependencies on fields where it isn't meant to be (TOOLS-1732)
- Fixed bug where in some cases the label of containers was missing on a preview and playground (TOOLS-1507)
- Fixed bug where setting value from a AQL variable always set the first line of the query and didn't take in consideration the users selection (TOOLS-1724)
- Fixed bug where a console error would appear if rendering form that was created before multi-paging (TOOLS-1728)
- Fixed dependency "when" for date and datetime (TOOLS-1726)
- Fixed bug where using a view in AQL variable didn't set correct parameters on a preview/playground (TOOLS-1722)
- Fixed issue with setting value with expression sometimes added the field at the end of the function even if you clicked inside it (TOOLS-1736)
2.0.0 (2020-06-23)
compatible with form renderer version 2.3.3
Form Builder
Implemented multi-page support on all forms (TOOLS-1412)
Added ability for user to move the expression assistant around (TOOLS-1476)
Externally provided variables are now shown on a preview (TOOLS-1478)
Implemented option to save as incomplete composition (TOOLS-1479)
You can now see form environment (variables, apis,..) and app pages in "code" view (TOOLS-1481)
When hovering on the date of form creation you can now also see the time it was created (TOOLS-1483)
Added some predefined variables to form such as currentDateTime, formLanguage, etc.. (TOOLS-1487)
Added localizations for placeholders (TOOLS-1566)
Setting values to fields is now done via expressions and/or expression assistant (TOOLS-1606)
Added french, italian and german translations to renderer (TOOLS-1638, TOOLS-1641)
Add notification to user if his API call was not reinitialized after changes (TOOLS-1644)
Added all possible languages to selecting form language (TOOLS-1701)
AQL Builder
When you right-click on field from template you now see values or terminology from that field (TOOLS-1477)
Implemented feature to see raw data from the query as either JSON or XML (TOOLS-1497)
Bug fixes
Form Builder
- Fixed a issue where "other" field on coded text fields could appear even if unchecked (TOOLS-1338)
- Fixed a bug where generic coded text fields with terminology didnt save values (TOOLS-1168)
- Made the check mark more visible on dropdown fields (TOOLS-1352)
- Fixed a bug where containers could exceed their max multiplicity if filled from AQL (TOOLS-1423)
- Added text "(unpublished work)" if fields changed because of template changes and you haven't saved the new form yet (TOOLS-1427)
- Fixed a issue where setting a dependency on text field with options didn't work properly (TOOLS-1456)
- Added a warning about generic fields not being queryable if you have them when saving form (TOOLS-1458)
- Fixed a bug where changing date format on preview or playground didn't reflect changes on the form (TOOLS-1467)
- Fixed a bug with using "UPPER" to set a field with expressions if field is initially empty (TOOLS-1474)
- Redesigned the look of the API connector which previously took up too much of the screen (TOOLS-1480)
- Fixed a bug where if you had generic image and generic canvas on form and uploaded to image the image was shown on both in editor (TOOLS-1484)
- When adding datasource to a field that had old terminology section in property panel the terminology section should disappear (TOOLS-1492)
- Fixed a bug where setting default values from AQL didn't work properly (TOOLS-1499)
- Fixed a issue where from name in playground didn't change when you opened a different form (TOOLS-1502)
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't change presenation of DV_TEXT field if you added a datasource to it (TOOLS-1504)
- When changing anything in a API call the user is able to reinitialize the API call always (TOOLS-1508)
- Fixed issue where variable would disappear if you added it and refreshed the editor (TOOLS-1512)
- Fixed bug where changing variable type from AQL to something else and back to AQL caused issues when trying to insert a AQL query (TOOLS-1514)
- Fixed bug where in some cases setting dependency from AQL variable caused the dependency to not display the variable value (TOOLS-1516)
- Fixed bug on playground where error icon would persist even when changing form (TOOLS-1534)
- Fixed bug where icons next to label would be the size of the label (TOOLS-1536)
- Fixed issue where you couldn't see the old field name if label is hidden and fields was removed from template (TOOLS-1541)
- Fixed issue where label for default value was not aligned correctly if the panel was not wide enough (TOOLS-1545)
- Fixed bug where datasource would revert back to previous value when clicking out of field (TOOLS-1546)
- Fixed a bug where in some cases the value in dependency for a coded text field was shown as the code (TOOLS-1549)
- Fixed a bug where if field is hidden and a value is selected, it wasn't saved in form values (TOOLS-1550)
- Fixed bug where icons for operators in field validation would disappear if clicked before entering validation values (TOOLS-1570)
- Fixed a bug where global annotations would dissapear when importing a newer version of the template (TOOLS-1572)
- In dependencies removed "otherwise" with on button click and on input changes (TOOLS-1573)
- Fixed issue where in some cases custom added url to login page would result in OK response when it should be error (TOOLS-1574)
- Fixed bug where filling containers with AQL data didn't always fill in the data (TOOLS-1578)
- Fixed issue where changing label on button still left it in change label mode even when clicking outside the field (TOOLS-1581)
- Fixed some memory leak issues for faster and better performance (TOOLS-1585)
- Pressing backspace when editing bind data for datasource now removes the input item instead of going back in browser (TOOLS-1589)
- Fixed issue where changing dependency for fields with datasource caused dependency item "code" or "value" to disappear in some cases (TOOLS-1591)
- Made all notifications to close on their own after some seconds (TOOLS-1593)
- Removed "clear only" function from button in dependencies, since it doesn't need it (TOOLS-1596)
- Fixed issue where changing width on canvas sometimes pushed imges with certain ratios to the left instead of enlarging them (TOOLS-1597)
- Fixed alignment of some fields if their labels were very short (TOOLS-1600)
- Fixed bug where dependency would stop working if you changed the template path of the generic field (TOOLS-1610)
- Fixed bug where renaming paths of generic fields didn't work properly in some cases (TOOLS-1611)
- Now always allow changing codesystem for fields with datasource (TOOLS-1613)
- Fixed the slider for field width resetting after going to preview and back (TOOLS-1617)
- Fixed bug that prevented user writing own basic authentication for API calls (TOOLS-1622)
- Fixed bug where user could not change authentication for API calls (TOOLS-1624)
- Fixed bug where self handled authentication didn't work as expected (TOOLS-1625)
- Fixed bugs with authentication via JSON web token (TOOLS-1626)
- Dont show save button if the form is read-only (TOOLS-1635)
- Fixed issue with dependencies not working properly when they were referring to hidden containers (TOOLS-1637)
- Fixed bug where authentication web token would get lost when publishing a form and reopening it (TOOLS-1646)
- Fix bug where setting value "0" to previously empty DV_COUNT field didnt work properly (TOOLS-1647)
- Fixed tooltip position on canvas (TOOLS-1650)
- Fixed but where booleans limited to one value would be disabled if shown in button group and their parent container was removed (TOOLS-1661)
- Fixed bug with setting default value on a hidden field didn't work properly (TOOLS-1662)
- Exporting a form now doesn't export the validity of the form, since you can import it in a different environment (TOOLS-1664)
- Fixed issue where events didn't work properly in duplicated containers (TOOLS-1671)
- Fixed issue where you could select multiple radio buttons on fields with terminology in some cases (TOOLS-1674)
- Fixed bug where "false" boolean values were not shown in AQL query compact result (TOOLS-1677)
- Fix traversing through specific values of a AQL variable when setting dependency (TOOLS-1679)
- Fix bug where AQL variable didn't use predefined ehrId to get results (TOOLS-1689)
- Fixed a issue where using multiple actions on one dependency didnt trigger them all in some cases (TOOLS-1694)
- Fixed bug where setting values to a container using ehrId didn't work properly (TOOLS-1698)
- Fixed bug with not being able to set value via dependency on coded text fields using old way of adding terminology (TOOLS-1700)
- Fixed bug where checkboxes didn't turn to radios when setting multiplicity after changing presentation (TOOLS-1703)
- Added a more informative error message if user gets 405 error (TOOLS-1704)
- Fixed the header of the modal for error messages on Safari and Firefox browsers (TOOLS-1711)
- Fixed bug with resizing browser window and going to code then resizing it again caused the editor layout to be shown wrong (TOOLS-1562)
- Fixed bug where if precision was added to a field in template, it created a range for that same value as well (TOOLS-1717)
- Fixed bug where changing variable type or toggling mandatory field on aql variable could cause console error (TOOLS-1715)
AQL Builder
- Removed duplicates of different languages with same AQL path (TOOLS-1256)
- AQL reported error in query if it started with a comment (TOOLS-1520)
- Using MATCHES condition in query followed by a variable parameter, the parameter wasn't recognized (TOOLS-1543)
- Fixed issue where formatting the query could cause for a block of the query to be duplicated (TOOLS-1544)
- When using "AS" in AQL query the column labels weren't correctly named in the query result (TOOLS-1548)
- Fixed bug where importing a template on AQL Builder didn't update the template list (TOOLS-1575)
- Fixed issue with long AQL queries created from different clusters sometimes resulted in invalid query (TOOLS-1607)
- Fixed issue when searching for template fields didn't show proper results in some cases (TOOLS-1608)
- Fixed issue with AQL parameters when using them with multiple brackets (TOOLS-1614)
- Fixed bug where writing a AQL query, removing it and rewriting it could cause the same query to be invalid in some cases (TOOLS-1619)
- Fixed allowing user to save any tab containing query as a new view (TOOLS-1680)