Better EHR Studio 1.7 Release Notes
1.7.4 (2020-04-21)
Bug fixes
Form Builder
- Fix resolving the api call for codesystem when using terminology api calls in datasource (TOOLS-1440)
1.7.3 (2020-04-17)
Bug fixes
Form Builder
- Change field presentation to string enum in description (TOOLS-1438)
1.7.2 (2020-04-16)
Bug fixes
Form Builder
- If value is null removed the defaultValue: null from form description (TOOLS-1437)
1.7.1 (2020-04-15)
Bug fixes
Form Builder
- Fixed a bug where values from external apis used on field were not visible in dependencies (TOOLS-1420)
- Fixed a issue with predefined global annotations now being defined as global and not the same as all fields (TOOLS-1363)
- Made it so that the focus moves to value when selecting name of predefined annotation (TOOLS-1363)
- Allow precision in field validation to be set 0 (TOOLS-1430)
- Fixed a issue with field showing console error if validation was incorrect (TOOLS-1431)
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't set higher validation than was previously saved (TOOLS-1432)
- Fixed a bug where field presentation was not visible on DV_TEXT fields with options (TOOLS-1435)
- Fixed a bug where label width would not change when switching fields (TOOLS-1436)
- Fixed a bug where proportion field could not be set to 0 (TOOLS-1429)
- Fixed issue where if you set duration value 0 it didn't show 0
1.7.0 (2020-04-10)
Form Builder
Added support to connect to external APIs (TOOLS-1288)
Re-design of login screen for EHR Studio (TOOLS-1349)
Added abitlity to add, edit and remove parts of expressions (TOOLS-1324)
Allow user to export and delete template from template select menu (TOOLS-1370)
Upgrade angular to Angular 9 (TOOLS-1366)
Add option to set default values to fields (TOOLS-1328)
Added support for predefined global annotations (TOOLS-1363)
Added FAQ section in documentation (TOOLS-1272)
Previous forms are now validated on select screen (TOOLS-1226)
Added support for Oauth to form-elements (TOOLS-1371)
Add new section "datasource", that uses external API feature to add a source of data to coded-text fields, also replacing the previous "Terminology" fields (TOOLS-1420)
Bug fixes
Form Builder
- Greatly improved loading speed on select form screen by lazy loading previous versions of form (TOOLS-1281)
- Fixed wrong error message shown on select screen when there is fatal error on form (TOOLS-1257)
- Fixed issue where a form could be invalid but it showed a valid checkmark (TOOLS-1358)
- Fixed issue where sometimes the error on dependency would dissapear if you had valid dependency after that (TOOLS-1217)
- Fixed icons for misplaced fields not showing (TOOLS-1260)
- Fixed issue where error on form persisted even when deleting all dependencies with error (TOOLS-1262)
- Fixed error when sometimes going to playground you would get an endless spinner animation when no form was selected (TOOLS-1331)
- Removed a unused translation in dependencies (TOOLS-1334)
- Fixed issue with date field not closing properly in dependency (TOOLS-1335)
- Fixed error with text right not showing on switch presentation for boolean types (TOOLS-1342)
- Fixed an issue with getting a container that you shouldn't when manipulating the replace field option (TOOLS-1343)
- Fixed error with using AQL variable and expanding and collapsing the result table would cause it to dissapear (TOOLS-1348)
- Fixed issue with form names being shortened too fast in safari (TOOLS-1351)
- Added preview panels width to local storage so it saves when you go to preview next time (TOOLS-1353)
- Fixed error where notifier icons didn't show up for buttons (TOOLS-1354)
- Fixed issue where in some cases you couldn't edit code system for some generic coded texts (TOOLS-1367)
- Fixed issue where image could not be loaded in some cases (TOOLS-1368)
- Fixed a bug with dependency where it would set the wrong code from coded text (TOOLS-1381)
- Fixed bug where property panel properties would disappear when changing the template path of a generic element (TOOLS-1399)
- Fixed a bug where you could set a variable without giving it a name (TOOLS-1255)
- Fixed a issue with wrong service worker caching (TOOLS-1304)
- Fixed a issue where refreshing on a new template opened the last opened form (TOOLS-1345)
- Removed dependencies and form script on form settings (root) (TOOLS-1387)
- Added a more informative error message if server-side validation of composition failed while saving (TOOLS-1389)
- Reorganized fields in property panel sections (TOOLS-1391)
- Fixed the apperance of the documentation section menu on various different screen sizes (TOOLS-1402)
- If the credentials of a user change he will now be moved to login screen (TOOLS-1404)
- Fixed a issue where error icon on form persisted even when the expression causing the error was fixed (TOOLS-1407)
- Fixed a error where removing a multiplicity instance of a container on preview didn't remove the values from composition (TOOLS-1412)
- Fixed the package.json file for form-elements so it doesn't report errors while building (TOOLS-1413)
- Remove structured validation and improve validation in a way that when you input a value and remove it, it won't now say required if the parent container is not required (TOOLS-1419)
- Fixed a bug where on preview form would show valid even if it was not after changing the context (TOOLS-1374)
AQL Builder
- Fixed an issue where AQL selection wouldn't suggest fields when the select was pasted (TOOLS-1255)
- Fixed issue where versioned_object and version got the same abbreviation (TOOLS-1362)