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Query result display

You can execute the query by clicking the "Execute query" button.

shortcut: CTRL + enter (CMD + enter on mac)

Execute query button

You have three views for the result data:

  • compact
  • detailed, and
  • raw.

Compact result display will group and only show the most relevant data. Detailed result display shows all data with each node and all the structure. Raw result display is a JSON array with objects as returned from the AQL server.

You can sort data by a specific field by clicking the field's header.

For large result data interface adds pagination.

A default query result limit for queries is enforced by the server to prevent overload.

When the AQL result is complex, and you have a lot of old data, you can use the expand/collapse view.

To export data to a CSV format, click the "Export" button: Export result button