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Managing forms and summaries

Here, you will learn how to create new forms and summaries, resume work on your last opened form/summary, review versions, as well as manipulate and edit them.

Creating a New Form

You can create a new form by clicking the Create new form button. Clicking the button redirects you to the Editor Screen, where you can build your form.

Create new form button

Creating a New Summary

You can create a new summary by clicking the Create new summary button. Clicking the button redirects you to the edit summary screen.

Create new summary button

Resuming Your Work

This functionality assists you by opening up the last form you were creating or editing, so you can resume work right where you left off.

Resume work

The last state of the form you are editing is always automatically stored in your browser's cache. If you accidentally close your browser, or your computer shuts down unexpectedly, you can always resume your work by simply reopening your browser and the form you've worked on the last.

Only the last state of the last edited form is stored in a browser's cache with the saved state not transferable between browsers/computers. If you are changing two forms at once in a single browser, only the last edited form can be recovered.

Form/Summary Version

By clicking the history button located on the left side of a form's name, you can expand the entire history of a form and access all past versions.

The Select Screen also shows you whether your form is invalid. In that case a red cross icon will be displayed next to it.

Invalid form

Manipulating Forms/Summaries

By clicking the three dots button on the right side of a form within your list, you can:

  • export summaries or forms as .zip files
  • export templates that are used in a form or a summary
  • copy forms or summaries and the templates that are used in them between configured projects
  • add and remove labels
  • delete a specific or all versions of a form or summary.
  • activate or deactivate forms or summaries

Exporting Forms, Summaries, and Templates

Exporting a form or summary to a .zip file will create a bundle with the form or summary, along with the template(s), global variables, or global APIs that are used in it. You can export any version of the form - current and previous.

Exporting templates will create a bundle with all the templates that are used in the form or summary.

Exporting forms and summaries can come in handy in various situations, for example, if the internet is down, and you don't want to lose the progress you have made. You can download zip and import it back when internet is up again. Learn more about uploading templates and forms

Editing Forms/Summaries

To edit a form, click the Open button, or click on the form name to get redirected to the Editor Screen where you can change the form/summary and save a new version.

Edit form button

Activating/Deactivating Forms

Activating your form adds the tag (_form_status:ACTIVE) to the form. This tag can be used to filter out forms on your application that uses the form renderer. This is useful when you want to hide a form from the user in your application, but still want to be able to edit it in EHR Studio.

To activate a form, click the Activate button in the list of commands that appear on the right side of the forms list. To deactivate a form, click the Deactivate button. You can also set the form as Active or Inactive when saving a form.