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Administration Overview

The Administration module allows you to configure your projects, templates, external variables, API connectors, form labels, and user profile. You can access it:

  • by clicking the Administration card on the Better EHR Studio's entry page or
  • by clicking the user icon in the bottom left corner of the Better EHR Studio interface and then selecting Administration.

Administration module image


The Projects section contains all the projects you have added or that have been added to your account. The list includes the project name and the role your project plays in the project. You can search through the projects using the search bar.

The black dot in front of a project name in the list indicates your currently selected project. All content will be loaded from this project/EHR server. You can change your selected Project by simply clicking on a different one in the Project list. You can also select a different Project using the drop down menu at the bottom of the Administration navigation panel, or by clicking on the User icon in the bottom left corner and then using the 'Project:' drop down menu.

To add a new project, use the Add project button next to the search bar.


In the Administration's Template section, you can browse all uploaded templates included in your currently selected project. The list of templates is sorted alphabetically with each line also displaying the date of a template's last update. The button at the end of each line lets you move templates between projects, export or delete them. If you decide to delete a template, keep in mind that the template will be removed from the EHR server and that this action cannot be undone.

External variables

The section on External variables enables you to manage the variables created for your current project. These variables can be accessed in every form in your project, thereby simplifying their use within all forms.

There are three existing cases of externally defined variables: ehrId, openEhrUrl and terminologyURL. They can not be removed or changed, and we can only set the test value for them during the form building process.

API connectors

The API connectors section allows you to manage the APIs created for your current project. These APIs are accessible in every form within your project, making it effortless to use them across all forms.

Form Labels

Form labels enable you to tag all forms within a currently selected project. With tags, you can easily filter forms by functionality, type, ward, and more. In the Form Labels section, you can add, edit, or remove your labels. Each label is named and color-coded for easier visual grouping of your forms.

When adding form labels, you can select the label name, and you can provide the color value either as a hex code (i.e., #5f9ea0) or as any of the named CSS colors (i.e., cadetblue). You can also click the circular arrows button next to the hex value field in order to randomise color. The same applies when editing form labels.

User Profile

In the User Profile section, you can view the current user's e-mail and change the account's password.

We recommend using a strong password with at least eight upper and lower case character combinations that contain at least one number and one common symbol (i.e., @, %, $, &, !, etc.).