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Better EHR Studio 3.8 Release Notes

3.8.0 (2023-12-24)

With the 3.8 release of Better EHR Studio we added many powerful new features and functionalities that improve the form building process and make it even easier and faster. Additionally we also fixed some bugs. Check out all the details below.

Better EHR Studio 3.8.0 is compatible with Form Renderer version 3.8.0.

Table of Content:

Form Builder

Global API connectors

All new API connectors are now global. This means you can reuse them on all forms across your project, while still allowing you to tailor variables used on them for specific forms. All the API Connectors created before EHR Studio 3.8.0 are still valid and work as before, but if you want to edit them they will be transformed to the new Global API format. You can read more about the new Global APIs here.

Global variables

All external variables you have on your project are now global, which means they are shared between all forms and content on that project. All previously created external variables will still work as before, but when you edit or save them they will be transformed into global variables.

Image map improvements

We have added additional functionalities to the image map presentation of coded text fields. You may now choose the colors of the selected area, the border line and easily use labels of the selection values as the area tooltips.

Initial focus on specific field

We added the option for the form to autofocus on one specific field on the page, with this you can guide the user to the first input needed on the form. If initial focus is enabled on more than one field on the same page, the bottom most field (that is now hidden) will be focused.

Tags in dependency inspector

The dependency inspector just got even better. You can now search for tags used in dependencies so you can easily find where they are used and what logic applies on them.

Improvements for import

You can now import bundles of a form with templates, and with a user friendly UI you can choose what will get imported and overwritten (if the resource already exists).

Clear validation errors

With the use of a dependency or via a script api you now have the option to clear validation errors displayed on fields. Note that this does not make the form valid, it only clears the visual part of the validation errors on the form.

New dependency clauses "is enabled" and "is disabled"

You can now use the condition if a field is enabled or disabled when creating a dependency.

Content Manager

Supporting content

When adding content from the Content Manager to your project you now have the option to easily get all the supporting content to that item, such as API Connectors, AQL views, variables, forms and templates and additionally you can also add more supporting items if needed.

Presets per organization

You can now choose to what organization(s) you want to add your widget presets. This will allow widget creators to tailor presets for specific organizations if they so require.

UI redesign

We completely redesigned the content manager to streamline the user experience. Check out the new look and feel!

Form Renderer

Show outdated values

You can now see outdated values on selection value type fields. These are values that are not part of the current options for that field, but might have been saved on a previous version of the form. In this case an error will also be shown alongside the outdated value and prompt the user to select a different value before saving or updating the composition.

Debounce option for listeners in script api

You can now add a debounce option for script api listeners, which can significantly improve the performance of you form. You can see an example of how to use this here.

Change decimal separator

You can now change the decimal separator to either "." or ",".

Change decimal separator

Scroll to element

Via the script api you can now scroll to an element.

Error handling for presave hooks

You have the option to handle errors on you presave hook script api.

AQL Builder

EhrId dropdown

When you use a ehrId variable in AQL queries, views or JS views the input to set the ehrId variable value was changed to a dropdown that contains all your ehrIds from your current project.

ehrId dropdown

Bug Fixes

Form Builder

  • Fixed a issue when error was not shown if it was not on the same page
  • Added a warning for exclusive expression events
  • Fixed a bug where you could not open localization options on summaries
  • Fixed a bug where it showed error on dependencies when using tags
  • Fixed positioning of the autocomplete when using scripts on fields
  • Fixed a bug that showed some form errors on chromium but not on non-chromium based browsers
  • Fixed a bug that reset save form modal inputs if you resized the browser window
  • Renamed translations for localizations
  • Improved the performance of the select screen
  • Fixed an error in console when manually editing dependency spots
  • Fixed the password modal to show when the Better Platform password changes
  • Fixed a bug where an empty unit could be added on preview when adding more units in editor mode

Form Renderer

  • Allow setting coded text by label for coded texts with datasource
  • Fixed order of following when statements of dependencies
  • Fixed validation of empty values in other value for coded texts
  • Fixed the quantity precision validation
  • Fixed removal of containers on space and enter
  • Fixed a bug where disabling a parent container did not disable all children
  • Fixed dependencies on multi-property field types (such as DV_IDENTIFIER)
  • Fixed listener for latest variable changes
  • Fixed a bug where tagged fields did not correctly update value when summing them up with functions
  • Fixed a bug where uploading .svg images did not work same in editor and preview
  • Fixed a bug updating the quantity value when the default value changes in form builder

AQL Builder

  • Fixed an issue with executing JS views and fixed debug handling
  • Improved error message when a JS view fails

Content Manager

  • Prevent browser default login popup when authorization fails
  • Redirect user back to previous screen if upload is canceled


  • Added a loading animation when filters are applied
  • Search input will not clear when label filter is changed or form is deleted

3.8.1 (29.01.2024)

Compatible with Form Renderer version 3.8.1

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed an issue where users with EHR Platforms behind a VPN or firewall could not access global API connectors and form previews

3.8.2 (07.03.2024)

Compatible with Form Renderer version 3.8.2


Form Builder

  • Added element title option to show when label is hovered. This applies for all input fields as well as for rich text field.

Bug Fixes

Form Renderer

  • Assigned unique names (ids) for API calls when duplicated global APIs.
  • Rendered terminology values correctly, preventing them from being marked as stale even if they are not in the dataset.

Content Manager

  • Fixed an issue where the dialog wouldn't open when content without dependencies already exists.
  • Reintroduced version change input back to the upload screen.

AQL Builder

  • JavaScript views now correctly shows view parameters.

3.8.3 (08.04.2024)

Compatible with Form Renderer version 3.8.3


Form Builder

  • Improved the previous "title" feature to a "tooltip" with better UX and functionality

Bug Fixes

Form Builder

  • Fixed an issue when copying multiple API and external variable resources across projects
  • In the widget configurator you can now insert the parent's API result as the child's API call parameter

Form Renderer

  • Fixed rich text alignment errors, while preserving the tooltip placement
  • Fixed an issue where setting compositionId to null did not clear the previous composition

3.8.4 (16.04.2024)

Compatible with Form Renderer version 3.8.4

Bug Fixes

Form Renderer

  • Fixed an issue where the column list loading animation did not show in some cases while the data was still loading

3.8.5 (10.06.2024)

Compatible with Form Renderer version 3.8.5

Bug Fixes

Form Renderer

  • Fixed an exception in the code when resolving and empty composition that caused issues when showing a summary